Microscopy Members Meet for Good Food and Conversation

Danny, Michael, and I (Tom) couldn't be happier and more impressed with our members and friends! It would be wonderful if we all got to know each other better. Here's a forum to post images and short autobiographies of ourselves as well as any other info you would like to post about yourself. We are looking forward to meeting you all!

Moderators: nzmacro, Ken Ramos, twebster, S. Alden

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Ken Ramos
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Microscopy Members Meet for Good Food and Conversation

Post by Ken Ramos »

(Gary left, Yours truely right)

Well it isn't everyday that you have the honor of meeting someone that you only know by correspondance, via modern technology and forums such as these. Gary Slaten happened to be in Asheville, North Carolina on business and found time to get together with me, so that we could shake hands and put faces, so to speak, with the posts on our network. Let me tell ya Gary out of those photos taken this is the only one that turned out to be good. Next time we need to find a restaurant with photographers as well as waiters. :lol:

Let me tell you, this is a great guy here. Why he even bought dinner, what more could you ask for. We stopped in at the China Palace, across from the Asheville Mall. :D Thanks again Gary! :D

We talked over the forums and microscopy techniques and most interesting of all was Garys work with AFM's (Atomic Force Microscopes). Gary explained to me what these scopes were used for and how the one he was working with is applied in digital disc applications. Really an amazing piece of equipment.

We also chatted and shared a little bit about our own backgrounds, be it microscopy or world travel and some of our favorite places to have visited in our travels. Gary seems to be an easy going kind of guy, well traveled and a great conversationalist and really enjoys good food.

Thanks once more Gary for an enjoyable afternoon and for the dinner. Hope to see you again when you are in the area. Next time it will my my treat. :D I hope that more of our members will take the chance of meeting one another if the opportunity arises or presents itself. We are a widely scattered bunch and opportunites are rare I know but like with me and Gary here you never know! :o
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Kenneth Ramos
Rutherfordton, North Carolina
Kens Microscopy
Reposts of my images within the galleries are welcome, as are constructive critical critiques.

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S. Alden
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Post by S. Alden »

that is great Ken and Tom. Maybe this will become the "norm" instead of the "exception". :D
Sue Alden
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Post by gslaten »

It was indeed a treat to actually meet Ken.

I have followed his posts and of course I read his responses to virtually everyone elses. I realize it takes a good bit of time to compose responses, and I am guilty of looking at many wonderful photos on this forum and not taking the time to respond.

We had a very nice meal with waiters/waitresses, not photographers, but at least one of the photos came out :D .

I will be hunting Ken up again the next time I am in the area, if for no other reason than to collect on the dinner (just kidding).

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Ken Ramos
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Post by Ken Ramos »

Gary said:
if for no other reason than to collect on the dinner (just kidding).
It will be my pleasure Gary! :D
Site Admin.
Kenneth Ramos
Rutherfordton, North Carolina
Kens Microscopy
Reposts of my images within the galleries are welcome, as are constructive critical critiques.
