Every 30 days the site administrators will pick a favorite macro or close-up image from the "Macro and Close-up Photography Gallery" to be featured on the front page of the www.photomacrography.com website.
This is a terrific image Your homemade ring flash is working great. I am going to have to make one for my setup. The light is very soft and I don't see a hint of those ugly ring flash rings. Terrific job, Edwin
EXCELLENT !!!. This is one very well lit even shot Edwin. Clever work and result. The colours and details are excellent and so is the perspective on this.
Hey Edwin, I too want to congratulate you on the Administrators Appreciation Choice. This is a beautiful image with great color and contrast, not to mention the excellent details. Excellent work Edwin!
Site Admin.
Kenneth Ramos
Rutherfordton, North Carolina Kens Microscopy
Reposts of my images within the galleries are welcome, as are constructive critical critiques.
Hi Edwin, I know now why you avatars is laughing out loud everytime you take a photo I really like this one, which was the first thing I saw when I entered and joined the site.