Canon 10D, Tamron 28-300/68mm of Ext. Tubes, manual setting. manual focus, ISO 100, 1/125, f16. on tripod with remote shutter release and hand-held flash.
Moderators: MacroMike, nzmacro, Ken Ramos, twebster, S. Alden
Thank very much, I think he had his contacts in, but I couldnt be sure.GreenLarry wrote:Superb picture, with just a tad of softness on the eye.
Thank you Michael, I was very happy with the outcome as well.Michael Brown wrote:Really love the lighting in this shot.
Details, comp, ....... very cool!
Thank you very much Ken, extremely kind words and very much appreciated and very encouraging.Kenv wrote:This has to be one of the best macros I've seen, the DOF is quite remarkable, everything is sharp as a tack.