Every 30 days the site administrators will pick a favorite macro or close-up image from the "Macro and Close-up Photography Gallery" to be featured on the front page of the www.photomacrography.com website.
Amazing The background is a little noisy but nothing to be overly concerned about, color contrast all good, great definition of the subject. I have never seen a mantis of that color in a long time. Then again it has been a while since I have seen a mantis anywhere around here. They make for good subjects Nikola and you have captured this one quite well.
Site Admin.
Kenneth Ramos
Rutherfordton, North Carolina Kens Microscopy
Reposts of my images within the galleries are welcome, as are constructive critical critiques.
Yes, indeed Nikola. You have captured this mantis quite well and the front cover as well. Congratulations on having your photograph being selected for the front cover of photomacrography.net
Site Admin.
Kenneth Ramos
Rutherfordton, North Carolina Kens Microscopy
Reposts of my images within the galleries are welcome, as are constructive critical critiques.