Suctorian on cyclops

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Charles Krebs
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Suctorian on cyclops

Post by Charles Krebs »


I was experimenting with "lighting", not expecting to take pictures, when I came across this cyclops that had (what I think is) a species of Suctoria hitching a ride. So while the lighting is a little strange, I thought the Suctoria were still pretty interesting to see.

10X, 2.5X photoeyepiece, Canon 10D. Electronic flash.

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Post by Frez »

Very nice Charles! What were you experimenting with? It looks like there was some type of obstruction in the light path. It worked well. There's some very popular Cyclops in your area :!: :)


Charles Krebs
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Post by Charles Krebs »

Hi Frez... I was in the middle of setting up a condenser to do Rheinberg with my low power (2X, 3X and 4X) objectives. This guy showed up and I took it with the 10X. The stop was likely too small, so I wound up with some sort of cross between COL and "oblique darkfield".

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Post by piotr »

Very interesting, nice shot! Could it be Tokophrya cyclopum?
"Oval or spherical; stalk short; tentacles in 2-5 bundles; macronucleus spherical; 1-2 contractile vacuoles; on Cyclops etc." (Kudo).
